The department of Mathematics was
established in the year 1967. This is the earliest department of Quaid-I-Azam
Islamabad. The department has been developed into a leading institution of teaching and
research within and outside the country. The department consists of 19 highly qualified
faculty members. Eight faculty members have been associates of International Centre for
Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. Curriculum includes courses on Pure Mathematics,
Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics. Active research is pursued in Algebra,
Geometry, Functional Analysis, Astrophysics, Relativity, Fluid Mechanics,
Magnetohdrodynamics, and Acoustics.
The department has collaborative research
programs with such institutions as ICTP, MIT, and universities at Oxford, Texas and Rhode
Island. The QAU, UGC, NSRD Board and the Pakistan Science Foundation support research work
in the department.
M.Sc. Statistics program has been started
since 1994 in the Department of Mathematics. The program has achieved a great success,
which can be judged by the fact that almost all the graduates have been appointed on
various good assignments. Weekly seminars are a regular feature of the department. This
activity has provided a forum for introducing latest trends of research in Statistics for
participants from as well as outside the University. |