The Department of Physics is a teaching/ research department of the University. It offers
courses to M.Sc., M.Phil. And Ph.D. degree. The department lays stress on colloquia and
seminars in which, apart from the faculty, participation from the research students is
encouraged. Scientists and experts from various organizations and institutions outside the
University are also invited. Teaching and research activities are mainly in the following
disciplines. Atomic Physics and Molecular Physics; Condensed Matter/Materials Science;
High Energy Physics; Laser Physics; Nuclear Physics; Plasma Physics and controlled
Thermonuclear Fusion.
The department enjoys teaching and
research collaboration with the Departments of Earth Sciences, Chemistry and Mathematics
within the University and PINSTECH, DESTO, NIE, CTRL and CTC, and outside. The members of
the faculty are highly qualified with long experience of teaching and research in their
respective fields of specialization. The main teaching and research activities of the
Department are in the following disciplines. Atomic Physics and Molecular Physics,
Condensed Matter/Materials Science, High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics, Laser
Physics and Quantum Optics, Low Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics, Plasma Physics and
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion.
The department has Atomic and
Molecular Physics Lab, Magnetism and Superconductivity Lab, Material Science Lab, Plasma
Physics Lab, Semiconductor Lab and Thermal Physics Lab for research purposes. Future
programs for research in Physics include High Temperature Superconductivity, Plasma
Physics and Technology, Materials Physics, Atomic Molecular and Laser Physics etc. |