in 1975, the Department of Administrative Sciences offers a Masters degree in Business
Administration and a Masters degree in Public Administration in the morning and Masters
degree in Business Administration in the evening. The number of students admitted every
year in the MBA morning & MPA morning programs is about 60 each. The Department admits
40 students on merit each September in its MBA (Evening) program on self finance basis.
The graduates of the department
have been received very well in various organization in the public and in the private sector. The
students complete a 6-8 weeks internship and undertake one week industrial tour
every year to supplement their theoretical knowledge of management. The
subscribes to some professional important journals. Others than its full time
faculty the department every semester hires the services of over a dozen visiting
professors to teach courses in the department.
There is a growing demand for
management postgraduate education. Particular demand for MBA degree comes for holders of
professional degrees and those in service. The
department is planning on restructuring to
accommodate these demands of diverse clientele. |