Shallow Seismic refraction Survey for mapping the weathered and Subweathered
Layers in Fazilpur (Rajan Pur). |
Umar Farooq |
Shallow Seismic refraction Survey for mapping the
watered Layer in manthar (Rahim Yar Khan) |
Hashmat Abbas Shah |
Application of geoelectrical & Hydrogeological parameters for groundwater
investigation studies in the proposed area for Q.A.U. Housing Scheme Islamabad. |
Afshan Batool |
Crystal Studies based on gravity profile survey for delineation of Subsurface
structures between Jhelum & Rawalpindi along G.T. Road. |
Khurram Shahzad. |
Application of Seismic refraction technique to map
bed-rock in Golen, Gol valley Chitral. |
Ahmed Sadeed |
Seismic refraction studies to map bed-rock in Sai
area (Gilgit) for Sai hydel power project. |
Sher Ali |
Ground water investigation in Phase-22, Phase-3 area
of QAU Housing society Scheme. |
M. Arshad Mateene. |