The department of
Chemistry, one of the oldest department of the University, is catering to the need of
chemical skill and knowledge by our contemporary society ever since 1967. The department
offers courses of teaching at M.Sc. and M.Phil levels, and research programs leading to
the award of Ph.D. degrees in various disciplines of chemistry.
The department has been divided
into four administrative units, namely Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic
Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, to offer a broad ranged open choice to senior M.Sc.
students to opt for a desired field of research specialization. The department is a strong
seat of chemistry teaching and research, and it is hoped it would muster greater academic
strength in the year to come.
The department has been lucky
enough to be supported by an academically strong faculty to teach and conduct original
research work in such varied fields as surface chemistry, electrochemistry, polymer
chemistry, coordination chemistry, natural products, environmental chemistry, GC-mass
spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometer, to name of few. |