Course Description: |
The student has to pass a minimum of 60 credits. A course of one credit means one hour of
lecture or three hours of laboratory work work per week.
C-051 |
Basic Mathematics
for Chemistry |
1 Credits |
Review of basic algebra and trignometry Graphic methds Differentiations. Maxima and
minima. Integration. Partial differention. Differential equations (linear, homogeneous,
exact). Determentation and matrices. Application in Chemistry.
C-321 |
Chemistry |
3 Credits |
Basic concepts. Analytical sampling, extration and chromatographic separation
techniques. Data handling. Chemical Equilibrium. Titrimetry (acid-base, precipitation,
complexometric, and titraions).
C-322 |
Chemistry Laboratry |
1 Credits |
Calibration and use of volumeetric glassware.
Thin layer chromatographic separation of dyes in ink.
Paper chromatographic separation of Co(II), Fe(III) and Ni(II) salts.
Study of equilibrium for distribution of a solute between two immiscible solvents.
Dissociation constant of weak acids.
Redox ttrations; determination of iron (II) using potassium dichromate.
Precipitation of AbCl-stoichiometric relation.
Determination of Zn by EDTA complexometric method.
C-331 |
Chemistry |
2 Credits |
Periodic alssification and periodic properties. Chemical bonding (V.B. anb M.O.).
Acids and bases. Nobel gases and their compounds. Chemistry of interhalogens,
pseudohalogens and polyhalides.
C-332 |
Chemistry Laboratory |
1 Credits |
Detection of cations and anions in a mixture, separation of metal ions by paper
chromatography, acid/base titrametric methods.
C-341 |
Organic Chemistry |
3 Credits |
Nomeenclature: multifunctional aliphatic, alicyclic and heterocyclic compounds.
Bonding: localized and delocalized chemical bonding, aromaticity and tautomerism.
Stereochemistry: shapes of molecules, conformation in open chain compounds and
cyclohexane, configuration, CIP-system of nomenclature. Chemical reactivity and molecular
structure: electronic effects and steric effects on the reactivity of molecules, acids and
basis. Reactive intermediates: introduction to structure, methds of generation and
involving carbonium ion, carbanions, carbenes, nitrenes and arynes. Introduction to UV and
IR spectroscopy.
C-342 |
Organic Chemistry |
1 Credits |
Purification of organic compounds: crystallization, fractional distillation,
vacuum distillation, Chromatographic techniques: column, paper and thin layer
chromatography; preparative thin layer chromatography and two dimensional thin layer
chromatography. Sample preparations: one step preparation of organic compounds.
C-351 |
Physical Chemistry |
3 Credits |
Kinetic molecular theory of gases; ideal and non-ideal behaviour, molecular
collision, distribution of molecular energies and speeds, viscosoty of gases and
Chemical thermodynamics; review of the first law of thermodynamics, enthalpy and chemical
reaction, heat capacities; second law of thermodynamics, the driving force and work
functions, molecular interpretation of thermodynamics functions and their calculations.
C-352 |
Physical Chemistry
Laboratory |
1 Credits |
Determination of molecular weight by elevation of boiling point (ebullioscopic
Determination of molecular weight by cryoscopicmethod.
Study of the adsorption of an organic acid on charcol.
Determination of molar refraction of different compounds and groups.
Determination of the heat of neutralization of (a) strong acid with a strong base,
(b) weak acid with a strong base.
Determination of the precipitation values of Na+, Ba++ ion for As2S3 sol.
Determination of the order of a reaction and a rate constant of a given reaction.
Determination of activation energy of a chemical reaction.
C-052 |
Mathematics for Chemists |
Credits |
Coordinate systems: cartesian and transformation from cartesian to polar
co-ordenates. Differential equations: equations of the first order and the first degree,
linear equations with constant coefficients (equations of the first and second order
only). Vectors andmatrices. Probability theory and theory of errors. Applications in
C-323 |
chemistry - II |
Credits |
Electro-analytical techniques; potentiometry, conductometry, polarography,
coulometry, electrogravimetric and anode stripping voltametry.
C-324 |
Chemistry Laboratory - II |
Credits |
Potentiometric titrations involving strong/weak acids.
Polarography of trace amunts of metals.
Conductometric estimation of strong/weak basis.
Electrogravimetric analysis of zinc.
Coulometric estimations.
Potentiometric titration of plyprotic acids.
C-333 |
Chemistry - II |
2 Credits |
Chemistry of d and f block elements, crystel field and VSERP theories, crystalline
state, structure and energetic of inorganic molecules. Theory of metals and intermatallic
compounds and electron transfer reactions.
C-334 |
Chemistry Laboratory |
1 Credits |
Estimation of pairs of metal ions like Cu²+, Ni²+ Al²+, Fe³+, Zn²+, Ca²,
Mg²+ from solution.
C-343 |
Organic Chemistry
- II |
3 Credits |
Applications of basic concepts especially mechanism, stereochemistry and UV-IR
spectroscopy to study different classes of organic compounds namely hydrocarbons, halogen
compounds, alcohols, ethers, carbonyl compounds, nitrogen compounds, organometallics and
aromatic compounds.
C-344 |
Organic chemistry
Laboratory |
1 Credits |
Preparations: one and two steps synthesis of different classes of compounds, work
up and purifications of the products. Identofocation of the products; thin layer
chromatography of the products with reference compounds, UV and IR spectroscopy of
products, preparation of derevatives and their identification.
C-353 |
Physical Chemistry
- II |
3 Credits |
Atomic and molecular structure; vectors, operators, Schrodinger equation, particle
in one dimensional box, simple harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom. Molecular systems:
H2-molecule, molecular orbital and valence bond methods, hybridization.
Molecular spectrodcopy; spectral terms, rotational, vibrational, electronic and NMR
Statistical Methods; statisitical ensembes, probability, partition functions and their
applications, statistical treatment of eqyilibrium.
C-354 |
Physical Chemistry
Laboratory - II |
1 Credits |
Study of the formation of silver-amino complex colorimetrically.
determination of the heat of fusion of a substance.
Determination of the dissociation constant of succinic acid from conductivity
Determination of the degree of hydrolysis of a weak salt by conductance
Determination of the heat of solution of a substance by solubility measurements.
Verification of Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation.
Determination of a Pk value of an indicator by spectrophotometric measurement.
Determination of the mean activity coefficient of a sparingly soluble salt.
In these semesters the students shall be offered specializition in one of the fields of
the Chemistry i.e. Inorganic analytical, Organic or Physical. One course from the
following (C-335, C-345 and C-355) however, is required to be registered when offered by
the department.
C-335 |
Chemistry |
Credits |
Basic datafor the development of the industrial unit e.g. basic chemical data,
chemical control, raw materials etc. Chemical processes i.e. unit operations, unit
process. chemistry and technology of industries like water conditioning, cement, glass,
ceramic, chloralkai, leather, fertilizers, sugar and starch, steel petroleum, oil, fats
and waxes, soap and detergent, pulpand paper etc.
C-345 |
Bichemistry |
3 Credits |
Chemical characteristics of carbohydrates, aminoacids, protiens, nucleic acids and
lipids. Enzymes; kinetics and mechanism of enzymes action. Bioenergetics: phosphorylation
and mechanism of energy transfer through energy carrier ATP, NADH and NADPH. Metabolism of
carbohydrates, protiens and lipids.
C-355 |
Polymer Chemistry |
3 Credits |
Definations and classifications of polymers. Kinetics and statistics of step,
chain, ionic and stereoregular polymerizations. Co-polymerizations. Polymerization
conditions and polymer prcoss. Polymer reactions. Stabilization of high polymers. Physical
properties of polymer solutions. polymer characterization. Polymer Technologies: Plastic
and fiber technology, plymer and alloys.
C-422 |
Methods |
Credits |
Molecular spectroscopy (UV, Visible, IR); principles and applications to analytical
problems. Atomic emission and absorptions spectrometry (flame, plasma, atomic absorption).
C-423 |
Analytical Chemistry |
3 Credits |
Thermal Analysis, principles (including electronic basis of the technique) and
applications. Clinical applications of analytical Chemistry (blod, drug and environmental
C-427 |
Crystallograpgy |
3 Credits |
Aymmetry, unit cell, srystal system, lattice point and space group X-rays;
production and diffraction. Bragg's equation. Reciprocal lattice data collection (film and
diffractrometric techniques) and data reduction. Structure analysis (Patterson function,
Fourier synthesis and direct methods), refinement.
C-430 |
Elementry Group
Theory |
2 Credits |
Symmetry, symmetry element and operations, point groups, group representations and
character table, reducible and irreducible representations. Application of group theory to
valence bond. Molecular orbital and crystal field theories.
C-431 |
Chemistry |
3 Credits |
Interoduction, Werner's theory, nomenclature. Theories of coordinates bond.
reparation, absorption spectra and magnetic properties of complexes. Stereochemistry,
Stablity, Kinetic and mechanism of reaction of complexes.
C-432 |
Chemistry - III |
3 Credits |
A non aqueous solvents; properties of ionizing solvents, classification types of
reaction, chemistry in non-aqueous solvents.
Clatherates: inorganic ring, chains, cages of B, Si, N, P, S and metal
C-433 |
Chemistry - IV |
3 Credits |
Metal carbonyles, nitrosyls and related compounds, chemistry and bonding of metal
sigma and pi complexes, catalysis by organo-mettalic compounds.
C-436 |
Nuclear and
Rado-Chemistry |
3 Credits |
Effect of radiation on biological system Detection and measurement of nuclear
C-437 |
Chemistry Laboratory |
3 Credits |
Synthesis and characterization of rpresentative coordination and organomettalic
compounds. Analysis of minerals, cement, alloys and water.
C-438 |
Research and
Seminar in Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry |
1 Credits |
C-439 |
Research in
Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry |
3 Credits |
C-440 |
Chemistry of
Heterocyclic Compounds |
2 Credits |
Cylic analogues of amines, ether and related compounds, unsaturated heterocyclic
compounds, aromaticity and tauomerism in heterocyclic chemistry, five membered armotic
heterocyclic compounds: heterocyclic analogues of benzene: polycyclic, aromatic
heterocyclic compounds. Heterocyclic compounds in nature and medicine.
C-441 |
Reaction Mechanism
- I |
3 Credis |
Introduction to reaction mechanism, Methods of determination of reaction mechanism,
Substitution Reaction, Addition Reactions, Elimination Reaction.
C-442 |
Methods in Organic Chemistry |
3 Credits |
Nuclear magnetic resonance: fundamentals of NMR, clemical shifts, Mass
spectrometry: Basic theoetical principles, low and high resolution mass spectrometry,
fragmentation patterns of compounds having different functional groups. Structure
elucidation: Joint application of UV, IR, mass and NMR spectroscopy.
C-443 |
Chemistry of
Natural Products |
3 Credits |
Isolation: Physical and chemical methods with special emphasis on chromatographic
techniques. Structure elucidation: Application of UV , IR, NMR and mass spectroscopy for
structual elucidation. Synthesis: Partial and ttal synthesis of some representatives of
terpene alkaloids, steroids, cabhydrates and flavonoids.
C-444 |
Reaction Mechanism
- II |
3 Credits |
Molecular rearrangement, Cylic and Non-cyclic Rearrangements, Reduction, Pericyclic
C-445 |
Stereochemistry |
3 Credits |
Static Stereochemistry, Stereochemistry Nomenclature: Chirality Elements,
Chirallity centres, axis. Dynamic Stereochemistry.
C-446 |
Organic Synthesis |
3 Credits |
Introduction to Reterosynthesis, concept of synthones and reterosynthetic approach.
Synthesis and uses of alkylhalides, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, ethers, aromatics,
carbonyl compounds and nitrogenn compounds. Bond formations, Cycliozation: Simple
inttramolecular reaction leading to cyclic structures.
C-447 |
Organic Chemistry
Laboratory -III |
3 Credits |
Synthesis, Isolation, Identification, Pharmaceuticals and Heterocycles,
C-448 |
Research And
Seminar in Organic chemistry |
1 Credit |
C-449 |
Research in
Organic Chemistry |
3 Credits |
C-450 |
Methods and Computer Programming |
2 Credits |
Computer oriented numerical methods: Ordinary differential equation, matrix algebra
and simulation equations, least square curve fitting, numerical integration, Fortran
C-451 |
Kinetics |
3 Credits |
Mesurement of reactiion rates and treatment of experimental data. Theories of
reaction rates. Reaction in Solution. Complex reactions including chain reaction.
Homogeneous catalysis. Photochemical reactions.
C-452 |
Chemistry |
3 Credits |
Hermitian operators and their properties, angular momentum, central field problem,
Hydrogen like atoms. apprximation methods, molecular orbital theory.
C-453 |
Spectroscopy |
3 Credits |
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Rotation, Vibration,
rotation-vibration spectroscopy. Optical Spectroscopy. Molecular symmetry. Magnetic
resonance. Application to molecular structure.
C-454 |
and Electrochemistry |
3 Credits |
Thermodynamics of systems of variable cmposition, partial molar quantities, ideal
and diluted solutions. Interfacial Phenemenon and electrode kinetics, Butler-Volmer
equation. Nernst equation.
C-455 |
Mechanics |
3 Credits |
Ensembles, Partition functions. Sstems of independent particles. Monoatomic
crystals. application to chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics, lattices, adsorption
and quantum statistics.
C-456 |
Nuclear Radiation
Chemistry |
2 Credits |
Fundamentals of nuclears and radiation chemistry, nuclear structure, equation of
radio active decay and growth, nuclear reactions.
C-457 |
Solid State
Chemistry and Surface Chemistry |
3 Credits |
Intermolecular energies. Condensed system symmetry, Lattices, thermodynamics of
C-458 |
Solution Chemistry |
2 Credits |
Solution and their role in chemistry, models for solution nature of interactions
present in solutions.
C-459 |
Physical Chemistry
Laboratory - III |
3 Credits |
C-460 |
Research and
Seminar in Physical Chemistry |
1 Credit |
C-461 |
Research in
Physical Chemistry |
3 Credits |

Applying: |
Admissions are opened twice a year for this
course. Admissions are given only on Self-Financed
basis in August while in December-January admissions are given on Regular as well as
on Self-Financed basis.The University shall call for these admission applications through
proper media each year.
- Candidate with Bachelor Degree requiring more than two years
intermediate or professional degree for example: B.Sc. Engineering,/B.E./MBBS/B.Sc.
Agriculture, B.Sc. Pharmacy, BCS Computer Science, B.ED., etc are not eligible.
- Ten seats will be given strictly on merit on Self-Finance
basis in Spring semester admissions.
- One seat in each department of the University has been
reserved for admission of the children of Shaheeds/Disabled of Army Personnel of Indo/Pak
War 1965 and 1971 and would be offered on the nomination of G.H.Q.
- One seat is reserved for Minorities for admission in each
department of the University subject to production of certificate from the institution
last attended that the candidate belongs to the Minority Community.
The application forms
can be collected from Manager, Bookbank/Book Shop of the University by
paying a fee of Rs.100/-. Those wishing to apply shall have to submit properly filled-in
admission application forms to the admission office of the University by the last date
advertised for such a purpose.
Merit Lists for
this course will be displayed on the notice board of the concerned department and
successful candidates will have to pay the dues before the last date mentioned in the
list, otherwise their seats will stand cancelled and these seats will be given to a
candidate from waiting list in order of merit.
Eligibility Criteria
for this course is:
formula for this course is:
FTM = 800 (
MOF/TM + MOB/TM ) + NCC + HQ |
FTM = |
Final Total Marks. |
MOF = |
Marks Obtained in Intermediate Certificate. |
MOB = |
Marks Obtained in Bachelor's Degree. |
TM = |
Total Marks in the Relevant Examination. |
NCC = |
National Cedit Corps (20 Marks) |
HQ =
Hafiz-e-Quran (20 Marks). |
- Candidates who are more than 26 years old
shall not be eligible for admissions unless relaxation is granted by the Vice Chancellor
for special reasons on the recommendations of the Chairman.
- Candidate who has graduated 18 months before
the date of application must explain what he has been doing during this period.
- In case of incorrect information/concealment
of facts, University will have the right to refuse/cancel an admission or expel a student.
- Copies of the following documents should
accompany the application:
- Matric Certificate.
- Intermediate certificate and Detailed Marks
- Bachelor's degree and Detailed Marks Certificate.
- Domicile Certificate of the Candidate.
- No Objection Certificate (in case of in-service candidate).
- N.C.C. certificate (if applicable).
- Certificate for Hifzi Quran.
- I.D. Card.
- Originals must be produced later, when required.
- N.C.C. and H.Q. credit of 20 marks each will be added as given
in the formula.
- Candidate finally selected for admission will be required to
produce a Migration Certificate (in original) on joining the University.
- Candidates having obtained certificates/degrees from Foreign
Universities / Institutions should provide equivalence certificate and conversion of
Grades into marks from University Grants Commission, Islamabad/Inter Board Committee of
Chairman in case of Matric and Intermediate level certificates.
- Foreign students must route their applications through the
Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan.
The following Sample On-line Application Forms are not yet operational but in near future you
will be able to apply through them.
for more information about admission procedures

Faculty List: |
Dr. Muhammad Saleem
Dr. Mrs.Mashooda Hasan
Dr. Mahboob Mohammad
Dr. Nasir Ahmad
Dr. Mrs. Roshan Ahmad
Dr.P. K. Butt
Dr. Athar Yaseen Khan
Dr. M. Jaffar
Dr. Rashid Iqbal
Dr. Christy Munir
Dr. Muhammad Ikram
Dr. Mrs. Naeema Khan
Dr. Zahoor Ahmad
Dr. Muhammad Mazhar
Dr. S. Sakhawat Shah
Dr. M. Shahid. Ansari
Dr. Nasim Hasan Rama
Dr. Mrs. Shagufta zulfiqar
Dr. M. Sadiq Subhani
Dr. M. Javed Iqbal
Dr. Aurangzeb Hasan
Dr. Saqib Ali
Dr. M. Abdul Rauf
Dr. Shahid Masood Yusuf
Dr. Mrs. Farzana Latif Ansari

Job Opportunities: |
The Students who have completed this course find lucrative job opportunities in the
private sector as well as in the government sector according to their skills and approach.
The needs for the graduates of this course is very high in Textile Industry, Chemical
Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals and many other sectors which deal with chemicals in one way
or another. In addition to different organizations in the Government sector, the graduates
of this course are being employed by, to name of few, HDIP (Hydrocarbon Institute of
Pakistan), OGSP (Oil and Gas Sector Programs), CIDA (Canadian International Development
Agency) and many other non-government organizations.Several young
teachers and Ph.D. students of the Department also have an opportunity to proceed abroad
for research under the DAAD or on Postdoctoral Fellowship. |
