Course Description: |
A Student is required to achieve a total of 60 credits for this course (two semesters of
15 credits each, third semester of 18 credits and fourth semester of 12 credits) from the
following courses as offered by the department from time to time.
CS-101 |
System |
4 Credits |
Types of Computing Systems. Classification of Digital Computer.
Computer Structure: Memory Control, Processing and I/O Units. Registers
Binary Numbers:Representation and Arithmetic.
Elements of Boolean Algebra. Gates and Circuits.
Registers, Counters, Coders and Decoders. Half Adder and Full Adder.
Memory, Control and Arithmetic Logic Unit. Error detection and correction.
CS-102 |
to Structured Programming |
4 Credits |
Problem Solving, Algorithms and Structured programming concepts.
The programming Languages Pascal: Simple and structured data types.
Statements. Program Structure. Procedures and functions. Recursion.
CS-103 |
Data Processing |
4-Credits |
External storage devices: Magnetic tapes and disk storage, track format, blocking
Files: sequential , random and indexed-sequential.
Introduction to Business data processing, COBOL programming, Problem Preparation and
coding techniques. Advanced features of COBOL language.
File processing Solution of some commercial problems.
CS-105 |
Mathematics |
3-Credits |
CS-201 |
Architecture |
4 Credits |
A layered approach to different levels of Computer System Architecture.
Virtual Machines. Issues regarding representation of Information, instruction formats and
addressing methods, Data types and instructions.
Assembly language programming, Definition and use of Macros. Program Segmentation and
linkage. Assemblers and Microprocessors. Interrupt structures and handling.
Microprogramming level issues: Microprogramming and micro architecture.
Advanced topics such as RISC, Pipelined and vector processors, and multiprocessors.
CS-203 |
Structures |
Credits |
Arrays, Linear List, Stacks, queues and Deques, Sequential and Linked Allocation
Static and Dynamic Allocation. Tree Structures, Files, Algorithm for implementation and
use of these data structures. Searching, Sorting and Merging Techniques. Hashing
Techniques. Merging Files, External Sorting. Memory Management Garbage
CS-204 |
Analysis and Design |
Credits |
System Life cycle. Feasibility study and machine selection. Documentation
Standards. Investigation techniques and recording. Input/output design. Cost/Benefit
analysis. Project Control. Program Specification. Design and Documentation. Simple
application packages.
CS-205 |
Languages |
Credits |
Structure of High level programming languages. Formal definition of programming
languages. the Backus-Naur Form. Syntax and Semantic rules. A comparative study of some
major high level languages: Data types, statements and program structure, Memory
management, Subprogram and parameter passing.
CS-206 |
Base Systems - I |
Credits |
Overview of Generations of Information Systems. Record storage and primary File
Organizations, Index structures for file. File processing system and their disadvantages.
Database Approaches and its Benefits. Introduction to Database Systems, Concepts and
Architecture, Database Modeling using the Entity-Relationship Model. Relational Database
Model, Fundamentals concepts of Normalization. Relational Algebra and Query Languages.
Introduction to DBMS in a multi-user environment. Predicate calculus and a
Relational calculus.Logic diagram and Relational Interface Capabilities, Hierarchical and
Network Database Models. Comparison of Database Models.
CS-202 |
Analysis |
3 Credits |
Introduction to error Analysis. Matrix Algebra and Systems of linear equations.
Numerical solution of algebra equations. Interpolation. Numerical differentiation and
integration. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.
CS-207 |
Systems |
Credits |
Purpose and functions of an Operating systems. Batch. Time-sharing and real time
Memory Management System. Hierarchy of storage media, Virtual Memory, Paging and
Segmentation. Memory protection. Process Management: Concurrent processes, Ayncronisation
and mutual exclusion. Resource allocation and deadlock Prevention. Scheduling.
Input/Output control. Filing System. Introduction to distributed Operating Systems. An
overview of some well-known Operating systems.
CS-208 |
Construction |
Credits |
Compilers and interpreters. Compilation Process. Organization of Compiler. Lexical
Analysis. Symbol Tables. Syntax and Semantic analysis. Topdown and Bottom up recognizers.
Error detection and recovery. Storage allocation. Code generation and code optimization.
CS-209 |
Engineering |
Credits |
Introduction. Software/Hardware consideration. Fundamentals of project Management.
Data flow Oriented and Data Structure-Oriented design, Jackson Methodology Warier Diagram,
LCP Design approach and Comparison. Tools for Designing Software, Programming Languages
and Methodology. Software Testing and Reliability. Reliability Models and proofs of
correctness. Automated Testing Tools. Software Maintenance: Maintenance Characteristics.
Maintainability, Maintenance Task. Configuration control.
CS-308 |
Networks and Communication |
Credits |
Computer Networks; their Goals, classification and Topologies. A communication
system and devices, Channel Characteristics, Transmission modes, Modulation and Modems,
Synchronization, Network Architecture and Layered Protocols, The seven Layered ISO/OSI
Reference Model, Analog Interfaces, RS-232-C and RS-449, digital interface : X.21. Error
detection and correction, LAN, IEEE 802 LAN standards and their relationship to ISO/OSI
Model. Data link controls, BCS, HDLC etc. Packnet switching, Segmentation and Reassemply,
Virtual Circuits and Datagrams, X.25 network. The PAD, Example Networks: APPNET, BITNET
etc. Public Data Network. Flow and Congestion control. Packet routing. Internet working.
Transport services. Application Systems. Data compression. Network Security and
Management. File transfer access and management. Electronic mail and virtual terminal.
A student is required to take Project and 2 optional Courses
OR 4 Optional Courses to complete 12 credits for this semester.
CS-301 |
Microcomputer Systems |
3 Credits |
Overview of Microcomputer Architecture: Microprocessor, Interrupt structures and
Direct Memory Access. Interface with external devices. Assembly Language Programming.
Definition and use of Macros. Program Segmentation and Linkage. Assemblers and
CS-302 |
Computer Interface |
Credits |
Human Computer Interface in terms of user-system computability. Concepts in Human
factors and interface design. Capabilities and Limitations of both Human and Computers.
Human Control of computer systems Interaction styles. Display & Control (visual,
auditory, and control displays), Forms and VDU screen design. Design of interactive
CS-303 |
Theory |
Credits |
Review of elementary probability theory. Basic Concepts of information theory.
Measure of information uncertainty, entropy, sources and channels. Kraft inequality, human
code, error detection and correction, Hamming distance, Shannon's first and second
theorems. Noiseless coding.
CS-304 |
Modeling And Simulation |
Credits |
Concept of Modeling and simulation. Random numbers and variates. Queueing theory.
Discrete event simulation. Simulation programming techniques. Introduction to a simulation
language. Some simulation case studies.
CS-305 |
Based System |
Credits |
An introduction to artificial Intelligence and its applications Introduction to
Expert Systems: Structure, usefulness and characteristics of Expert Systems and KB
Systems, Knowledge base, inference engine and user's interface. Knowledge representation
methods: Semantic nets, frames, rules, logic Searching: Depth first and best-first
methods. Knowledge elicitation and knowledge acquisition: State spaces and State
transition diagrams. Some existing expert Systems. Expert system tools. Essential of
programming language Prolong.
CS-306 |
Processing And Document Manipulation |
Credits |
Problems in creations, manipulation and publishing of high quality computer based
documents. Formatting Techniques for multi-font documents. Integration of text and
graphics, Documents Design, Hypertext.
CS-307 |
& Analysis of Algorithms |
Credits |
Algorithms and their complexity, Techniques for analyzing Algorithms. Average and
worst case analysis. Time and space complexity, optimality of algorithms. Review of lists,
Queues, Stacks, Trees, Graphs, Recursion. Techniques for designing algorithms. Greedy
Methods, Divide-and-conquer, Dynamic programming Branch and Bound. Sorting and order
statistics: Radix sorting, sorting by comparisons, Heapsort, Quick sort, Hashing, Binary
search Trees etc.
CS-308 |
Networks And Communications |
Credits |
Computer Networks; their Goals, classification and Topologies. A communication
system and devices, Channel Characteristics, Transmission modes, Modulation and Modems,
Synchronization, Network Architecture and Layered Protocols, The seven Layered ISO/OSI
Reference Model, Analog Interfaces, RS-232-C and RS-449, digital interface : X.21. Error
detection and correction, LAN, IEEE 802 LAN standards and their relationship to ISO/OSI
Model. Data link controls, BCS, HDLC etc. Packet switching, Segmentation and Reassemply,
Virtual Circuits and Datagrams, X.25 network. The PAD, Example Networks: APPNET, BITNET
etc. Public Data Network. Flow and Congestion control. Packet routing. Internet working.
Transport services. Application Systems. Data compression. Network Security and
Management. File transfer access and management. Electronic mail and virtual terminal.
CS-309 |
Of Automata And Formal Language |
Credits |
Automata and formal language. Regular expressions. Turning Machines. Recursive
Functions. Formal Languages: theory, grammar, non-deterministic autmata, pushdown
CS-310 |
Of Programming |
Credits |
Prepositional calculus: Simple and compound Propositions, truth tables,
Simplifications of propositions, well-formed formulae. Arguments and proofs. Programs
providing methods: Rules of Assuagements, composition, iteration, consequence. Proof of
correctness of some simple programs, Program-proving systems.
CS-311 |
Graphics |
Credits |
Graphics Hardware: Calligraphic versus raster systems. Graphics Software: Clipping
and scan conversation algorithms, hidden surface 3-d modeling, graphics packages.
CS-312 |
Related Courses From Another Department |
Credits |
A related courses from any other department with the approval of the Chairman,
Dept. of Computer scienceand the chairman, of the concerned Dept.
CS-314 |
Programming |
Credits |
Contents: concurrent programs and operating systems: Synchronization concepts,
sharing resources and determinacy. Distributed processing, synchomous and a synchronous
parallel process and their functionality, Optimal utilization of resources. Software and
Hardware parallelism: Data flow machines and programs, parallelism compilers.
CS-315 |
Interfacing And Microprocessor |
Credits |
Functions of real time systems. Types of real time system. Data Acquisition: input
transducers, sampling theory, signal conditioning, digital and analog filtering. Data
conversion: converters types e.g. D/A, A/D etc. Microprocess structures, i/o support and
architectures, interfacing processors, soft interfacing, Requirements at System interface
Level. Tools for Software Hardware Integration's. Interfacing: hard interfacing,
programmable logic, standard interfacing systems and their structures, communications
models handshaking, interrupts. Output Mechanisms: Transducers, actuators, motors,
stepping motors etc.
CS-316 |
Base System - II |
Credits |
Database planning in an Enterprise Environment. Functional Dependencies and
Normalization of Database. Relational Database Design concepts and physical. Advanced data
modeling concepts functional, Logic and Object Oriented etc. System Implementation
Techniques. Query processing and Optimization, Transaction processing. Recovery and
Concurrency control. Security and Integrity Constraints. Distributed database: Overview,
Principles and Systems.Overview of intelligent database, emerging database Technologies
and Applications. Database Administration in an Enterprise Environment.
CS-317 |
Analysis For Management |
Credits |
Techniques of Management and planning: Forecasting, planning and network Models
(PERT, CPM) sampling, Market Research, Pricing and promotion. Inventory control models,
linear programming: problem formulation (LP Models), solution of LP model, Graphical
Method Simplex Method, Lp Model's sensitivity Analysis and Postoptimality Analysis.
Transporation Problem. Assignment Problem.
CS-401 |
Project |
Credits |
CS-402 |
Topics In Computer Science |
Credits |
CS-403 |
Topics In Programming Languages |
Credits |
CS-404 |
topics In Computer Applications |
Credits |

Applying: |
are opened twice a year for this course. Admissions are given only on Self-Financed basis in August while in December-January
admissions are given on Regular as well as on Self-Financed basis.The University shall
call for these admission applications through proper media each year.
- Candidate with Bachelor Degree requiring more than two years
intermediate or professional degree for example: B.Sc. Engineering,/B.E./MBBS/B.Sc.
Agriculture, B.Sc. Pharmacy, BCS Computer Science, B.ED., etc are not eligible.
- Ten seats will be given strictly on merit on Self-Finance
basis in Spring semester admissions.
- One seat in each department of the University has been
reserved for admission of the children of Shaheeds/Disabled of Army Personnel of Indo/Pak
War 1965 and 1971 and would be offered on the nomination of G.H.Q.
- One seat is reserved for Minorities for admission in each
department of the University subject to production of certificate from the institution
last attended that the candidate belongs to the Minority Community.
The application forms
can be collected from Manager, Bookbank/Book Shop of the University by
paying a fee of Rs.100/-. Those wishing to apply shall have to submit properly filled-in
admission application forms to the admission office of the University by the last date
advertised for such a purpose.
Merit Lists for
this course will be displayed on the notice board of the concerned department and
successful candidates will have to pay the dues before the last date mentioned in the
list, otherwise their seats will stand cancelled and these seats will be given to a
candidate from waiting list in order of merit.
Admission examination
is also conducted for this course. A student appearing in this examination is required to
pass this entry test by scoring at least 40% marks. The sample of this test can be
collected from the department.The test usually consists of multiple choice questions
designed to check logical and quantitative skills of a candidate.
Eligibility Criteria
for this course is:
- Mathematics General or Mathematics A-course or Mathematics
B-course or 2-years B.Sc. degree in Computer Science (BCS with 3-years degree are not
Merit formula for this course is:
FTM = 800 (
MOF/TM + MOB/TM ) + NCC + HQ |
FTM = |
Final Total Marks. |
MOF = |
Marks Obtained in Intermediate Certificate. |
MOB = |
Marks Obtained in Bachelor's Degree. |
TM = |
Total Marks in the Relevant Examination. |
NCC = |
National Cedit Corps (20 Marks) |
HQ =
Hafiz-e-Quran (20 Marks) |
- Candidates who are more than 26 years old
shall not be eligible for admissions unless relaxation is granted by the Vice Chancellor
for special reasons on the recommendations of the Chairman.
- Candidate who has graduated 18 months before
the date of application must explain what he has been doing during this period.
- In case of incorrect information/concealment
of facts, University will have the right to refuse/cancel an admission or expel a student.
- Copies of the following documents should
accompany the application:
- Matric Certificate.
- Intermediate certificate and Detailed Marks
- Bachelor's degree and Detailed Marks Certificate.
- Domicile Certificate of the Candidate.
- No Objection Certificate (in case of in-service candidate).
- N.C.C. certificate (if applicable).
- Certificate for Hifzi Quran.
- I.D. Card.
- Originals must be produced later, when required.
- N.C.C. and H.Q. credit of 20 marks each will be added as given
in the formula.
- Candidate finally selected for admission will be required to
produce a Migration Certificate (in original) on joining the University.
- Candidates having obtained certificates/degrees from Foreign
Universities / Institutions should provide equivalence certificate and conversion of
Grades into marks from University Grants Commission, Islamabad/Inter Board Committee of
Chairman in case of Matric and Intermediate level certificates.
- Foreign students must route their applications through the
Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan.
The following Sample On-line Application Forms are not yet operational but in near future you
will be able to apply through them.
for more information about admission procedures

Faculty List: |
Dr. Muhammad Afzal
Mr. Ejaz A. Gul
Mr. Naeem A. Bhatti
Mrs. Farhana Shah
Mrs. Sumaya Haroon
Miss Onaiza Maqbool
Iftikhar Aziz Niaz
Mr.Khalid Saleem

Job Opportunities: |
As computers are being used in almost every sphere of life, the demand for true
professionals in computer field is growing by an enormous rate. Today you can hardly find
any computer graduate without a job to its liking. In truth the demand for computer
software engineers and system analysts is superceding the supply. This course being
offered is developed keeping in view the demands of the market and thus its graduates are
truly professionals in their fields and are excelling in whichever sector they are working
in. Most of the graduates are working in the private sector but some are also offering
their services in government sector like PRAL (Pakistan Revenue automation Limited),
the biggest computerization project in Pakistan. The students also have ample
opportunities to proceed abroad for further studies in this field. |
